Free adapter?

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Well-known member
Apr 6, 2015
Think this includes us?
:lol: :lol: :lol:
I would bet a large sum of cash that will never happen. Pretty sure this only applies to Mach E and F150 Lightning. Seeing as how the supercharger will communicate to the car for billing which I'm fairly certain the FFE cannot do.
I say we call them on the carpet for it.
They said "all Ford EV owners", so that includes the Ranger guys as well.
Let them make excuses, we will just make it more prevalent.
Think I will give them a call tomorrow to get started.
Heima said:
I say we call them on the carpet for it.
They said "all Ford EV owners", so that includes the Ranger guys as well.
Let them make excuses, we will just make it more prevalent.
Think I will give them a call tomorrow to get started.

This was my thought. "All" actually meaning, all. :)

Give 'em hell Heima, let us know how it goes.

I asked a Ford customer service rep in an online chat. She claims it won't exclude the 2017 through 2018 FFE's, so I guess we'll find out when one of us becomes the forum "validator" and get the adapter.
Hello Heima, my name is Michael. How can I help you today?

Michael at 13:04, Jun 3:
I’d like to make sure your concerns are addressed, and I haven’t heard from you in a few minutes. Do you need more time?

Michael at 13:06, Jun 3:
I see that you are typing. I will give you a couple more minutes to finish.

Heima at 13:06, Jun 3:
Hello Michael, recently in an interview with Elon Musk, and then again in an interview with CNBC, CEO Jim Farley stated that he was going to make the Tesla charging network available to all Ford EV owners, current and future, and that the same Ford owners, everyone of them would receive a NACS adapter. This is great news, and I appreciate Ford stepping up. I would like to know when Ranger EV and Focus Electric owners should be expecting to receive these NACS adapters?

Michael at 13:09, Jun 3:
That’s a good question, let me find out for you, Heima! I am happy to check my resources to determine when you would receive these NACS adapters. Please allow me a few moments to look further into this for you.

Heima at 13:09, Jun 3:
Thank you very much

Michael at 13:11, Jun 3:
You are very welcome! I am still here researching this information. Thank you for your continued patience.

Michael at 13:14, Jun 3:
Your patience is much appreciated! Heima, this inquiry is best handled by the Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV) team you can contact our Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV) team at 800-392-3673. Hours of operation are 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 p.m. EST (Monday-Friday); 8:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. (Saturday). Is there anything else I can assist you with today?

Heima at 13:15, Jun 3:
No, that is good, thank you for the assistance.

Michael at 13:15, Jun 3:
You are most welcome! Thank you for contacting Ford Motor Company. At the end of this chat, there will be a survey that appears regarding your experience with my performance today. We appreciate any feedback you may have. Have a great day!
I have also made a couple of tweets to both Jim Farley and Ford regarding this program, keeping a positive "thanks for doing the right thing" attitude, but holding them to the promise.

You now have a phone number to call, and while your vehicle may not have CCS, that should not disclaim the promise that "ALL current and future Ford EV owners" and "EVERYONE will get an adapter". Even if the adapter doesn't fit, they are obligated to provide it.

So when you call, iterate that you are appreciative/grateful/thankful that Ford is leading the way/stepping up/showing great customer support by enabling the Tesla charging network (do not say Supercharging network) to ALL current and future Ford EV owners. That you are so excited/happy that EVERYONE of them is going to get a NACS adapter. Then ask when will be Ford shipping out the NACS adapters, and have your VIN ready, should they ask for it.

Do not give them any reason to deny you one. Do not disqualify yourself. Do not be cynical. Your attitude should be, "this is great", "I can't wait to start using the Tesla network", "Ford is showing great customer support" . Get the phone rep to feel the same way.

If they try to deny, do not get angry or pissy, be unthreateningly assertive. Say "wow, thats not what Jim Farley said, he said All Ford EV owners". Ask "has Jim changed his mind? I was so happy to know that Ford was going to support its customers, now it is not?" Say " I would hate to think that Ford and Jim would make a wonderful promise, and then just change their minds." Then say, " I would like to escalate this issue. It seems unfair for Jim to make a promise, and then not follow through." Be prepared to provide name email and phone number. If they give you a cold shoulder, you can say, "Hmm, this doesn't seem fair. Jim has an interview with Elon Musk to announce and promote this program for all current Ford EV owners. He then goes on CNBC and says again all current Ford EV owners and then say everyone of them will get the free NACS adapter. Maybe other current and future Ford owners will need to know the truth." If they question you, say "just that". Then politely end the call/chat.

We all need to do this, if we hope to get this done. Our number is our advantage.
If it become very apparent that they have no intention of supporting us, we go to the press, the automotive and ev publications and inform them of Ford's broken promise.
The cynical side of me wonders if this is really free. Nowhere in the article does the word "free" appear, plus this jumped out at me:

So they’ll get an adapter from Ford, they go on FordPass, they pick the payment option they want...

Further down it talks of using the Blue Oval Charging Network, but the context of the above text precedes those details. Though to be fair, I've seen some pretty bad editing of articles where important context setting words are cut, so maybe it's just that.

Still, it does say "all", but if the adapter is CCS to Mac's, then "all" may only apply to owners of EVs with CCS ports.
There can’t be too many Ford Ranger EVs and Ford Focus Electrics driving around—it would have been a nice gesture for Farley to include us, as a nod to the history of EVs at Ford!!
Nope, but you can buy one, I paid about $45 for mine. To be clear it will not work on a Super Charger I only use it at home. I own a 2015 FFE and a 2021 Tesla M3LR, my O.E supplied Ford charger has become untrustworthy, it charges OK but it flashes red after completing a charge. I bought the adapter so that I can charge my FFE with my Tesla Mobile charger at 120v only. 120v is plenty for my FFE it's only rated at 78 miles on a full charge and will top off overnight. I'm not sure if I can trust the Tesla mobile charger to charge the FFE at 240v It might try to throw more amps than the FFE can handle. Any body with an opinion on that can sound off.
To throw more amps is impossible as it depends on FFE to tell changer how much Amp and voltage to send
Nope, but you can buy one, I paid about $45 for mine. To be clear it will not work on a Super Charger I only use it at home. I own a 2015 FFE and a 2021 Tesla M3LR, my O.E supplied Ford charger has become untrustworthy, it charges OK but it flashes red after completing a charge. I bought the adapter so that I can charge my FFE with my Tesla Mobile charger at 120v only. 120v is plenty for my FFE it's only rated at 78 miles on a full charge and will top off overnight. I'm not sure if I can trust the Tesla mobile charger to charge the FFE at 240v It might try to throw more amps than the FFE can handle. Any body with an opinion on that can sound off.
I use a Tesla UMC with an adapter to charge my FFE. It charges at about 30amps, maybe a little less, at 240V.
I'm not sure if I can trust the Tesla mobile charger to charge the FFE at 240v It might try to throw more amps than the FFE can handle. Any body with an opinion on that can sound off.
The EVSE signals to the car the maximum amount of current it can safely provide and it's up to the vehicle to initiate charging and determine the amount of current it will draw. The EVSE will kill the charge if the vehicle ignores the limit and pulls too much, but there's nothing on the EVSE side to drive a specific current.

My personal experience is that the FFE will pull about 29A at max and at 120V it will not pull more than 12A regardless of how much is available.
The NACS to CCS adapted would be useless for any FFE older than the late 2017-2018 FFE with DC fast charging. The 2012-2016 FFE's only have 6kW AC charging which cannot use the Tesla Supercharging system.
Getting back to the Ford-provided NACS/CCS adapters...

Ford announced today that the ability to order the free adapters is available, but note that on their website they say "offering a Fast Charging Adapter to 2021-2024 Ford Electric Vehicle (EV) owners and lessees enrolled in the BOCN"

So, FFE owners seem to be out of luck.

Shall we grab our pitch forks and torches and head for Michigan?
Getting back to the Ford-provided NACS/CCS adapters...

Ford announced today that the ability to order the free adapters is available, but note that on their website they say "offering a Fast Charging Adapter to 2021-2024 Ford Electric Vehicle (EV) owners and lessees enrolled in the BOCN"

So, FFE owners seem to be out of luck.

Shall we grab our pitch forks and torches and head for Michigan?

I'm sure other vendors will produce compatible adapters soon, but it's unclear whether Tesla will support other EVs that aren't listed in their app. The Focus can't be added as a EV to the Tesla app, but there's a section for "other."