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Ford Focus Electric Forum

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  1. R

    Focus availability

    Here in NC, where the plug-in conference was a few weeks ago, we are very disappointed with Ford's decision to delay the Focus Electric. I wonder if this decision means that Ford is re-evaluating whether to release the Focus Electric at all. For sure Ford seems to be on tippy tippy toe and...
  2. R

    Focus Electric sounds

    Thank you for posting these. I don't think anyone will be able to turn them off, so one hopes for the best choice, whatever that is.
  3. R

    Focus Electric sounds

    Whichever one is chosen, pity the poor parking lot attendant who has to listen to it over, and over, and over ..... Same for the people at the drive-through window at McDonalds and similar. Maybe they can get insanity insurance :D
  4. R

    Win an iPod Touch 4G!

    1. I live in Orange County, NC, USA. 2. I'm interested in the Ford Focus Electric because I want an electric car and like Ray Motor Co, my Ford dealer in Hillsborough, much better than dealers for Nissan. 3. One thing I want to know about the Ford Focus Electric is the price. Thanks!
  5. R

    Where does your electricity come from?

    rsmith1, Thanks for the great link. I see that where I live (Orange county NC) my electricity is only about half coal. That's a lot less than I would have guessed. Always more fun with the actual facts :D
  6. R

    Focus EV Release Cities

    Experience to date in the Volt and Leaf seems pretty discouraging as to cold weather. It's going to take some better batteries or a better design to get traction in the mainstream.
  7. R

    Battery Technology

    It's all so wonderful, but if they could spend a few minutes down in the nitty gritty telling us about things like schedule, price.....
  8. R

    Ford Website

    A BME is a mistyping of a BMW. Use your decoder ring. Just one little letter difference. OK, a fairly big letter. (smile). The Ford website's sketch really is a good one.
  9. R

    Ford Website

    Very nice figure; thank you. It's definitely not a Volt and not a Leaf, so it much be .... BME? no, then ....
  10. R

    Ford: Expect Electric Cars To Account For 10%-25% Of Sales B

    Is there anything from any where more specific than "later this year"? Any straws in the wind, any guesses, any rumors? Things are awfully quiet.
  11. R

    Fuel Factor - Are EVs really worth it?

    The question is, worth it in relation to what? Is a ticket to a movie "worth it"? In relation to another movie? To cuddling up? To sitting in the park? In relation to ICEs then EVs are worth it in relation to fuel costs, not worth it in relation to overall costs, more of an adventure, less of a...
  12. R

    Focus EV at Union Station?

    Sure resembles Union Station in Washington DC, especially facade and security barriers.
  13. R

    Will Electric Cars be a Fad?

    Perhaps batteries in cars should be viewed like batteries in everything else; that is, as an item that lasts a while but then is replaced. From that way of looking at it, if the old car has a run-down battery, it needs a new one, so the sale price has to reflect that. And at the same time, if...
  14. R

    Ford Focus Electric Connects Wirelessly With AT&T

    Beautiful picture included in the link that you cite. Thanks. :D
  15. R

    Ford Focus Electric Connects Wirelessly With AT&T

    How is this ATT connection related to SYNC? or is it? (I hope not.)